31 Jul 25 Lessons I’ve Discovered As A Business Coach
Over the years I’ve been fortunate to help grow and lead many teams at lots of different companies, before I went out on my own as an entrepreneur and business coach. There have been great highs, and a few disappointing setbacks along the way. Of course, I wouldn’t change a single experience or relationship – and treasure each and every step in the journey. The result is my own list of 25 Lessons I Discovered as Business Coach, which I happily share here today. Many of them, if not all, apply whether you are starting your own business, or taking on a role leading a team inside an existing firm. I’m sure a missed a few … so let me know what else you might add!
- It will always take longer to get “there” than you want it to
- Not everyone who says they want to come along for the ride really means it
- You will absolutely under-estimate the amount of “X” you need to accomplish your goal, no matter how carefully you plan
- No matter what you are an expert in, you’ll need help – find advisors to support throughout the process
- Thank you is never said enough
- I appreciate you is never heard often enough
- I’m sorry is always ok to admit to your clients – everyone is human
- When you find great people, take the risk and hire quickly
- When people don’t fit, separate with dignity
- Treat your vendors as partners, you’ll need favors
- Treat you clients like gold, you’ll need forgiveness
- Make time for friends and family – they’ll be around long after your business
- Don’t forget your health, you may not get another chance
- Failure is part of learning, be humble enough to learn from it
- Take time to celebrate the wins, even when small
- Never lose sight of your WHY
- If it becomes about the money, your doing the wrong thing
- If you have to ask if it’s the right thing to do, the answer is NO
- If your not crazy in love with what you do, STOP
- Yes, there really is always another way
- Never, ever settle
- Mom taught you the word please for a reason, use it
- You should never be the smartest person in the room
- Naps and hugs are good
- Laugh more in a day than any other emotion
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